Drinking water in copper vessel

copper jug waterDrinking water stored in copper vessel has been an ancient practice in India. In fact, it is one of the oldest forms of water purification known to the country. It is said that storing water in a copper vessel creates a natural purification process.

There are many benefits of drinking copper water. It possesses the capacity to kill the molds, fungi, algae and bacteria, present in the water.

Not just that, storing water in copper vessel overnight or at least for four hours, helps your water leach onto some beneficial properties of copper.

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  • An effective way to get relief from the pain of arthritis is to massage the affected area with warm olive oil. olive oil
  • Steam baths and body massage have also proved worthwhile for people suffering from arthritis.
  • The person suffering from arthritis should consume food items rich in calcium, zinc and vitamin C.
  • An efficient home remedy for arthritis would be to have fresh potato juice in the morning.
  • The juice should comprise of 50 percent potato juice and 50 percent water.
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Tired Eyes

  • For tired eyes, wash them with cold water, several times a day, this treatment reduces inflammation, moisturizers the skin /tissues, relaxes the eyes & provides relief from mint eyestrain & fatigue.
  • Take 12-15 mint leaves and grind them to paste. apply this paste under your skin for 15 minutes for two weeks. Mint leaves are so effective that adding them to your diet also helps in reducing dark circles. Read more ...


Aloe vera dandruff cure
  • Before you wash your hair, rub your hair with aloe vera gel, rub a lot with your finger into your scalp, leave it on for ½ an hour, and shampoo your hair like aloegelyou regularly do. if you do this everyday or twice a week, dandruff will stay away.
  • Soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds  in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste.  Apply all over scalp and leave for 1½ an hour, wash with mild shampoo.
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Common Cold

  • The most effective remedy for common cold would be to have lime or lemon juice, take a glass of lukewarm water and dilute the lime juice in it, add a tsp of honey to enhance its efficacy.honey
  • The antiseptic properties of garlic make it one of the most effective ingredients for cold. Consumption of garlic soup would be the best way to cure common cold.
  • Ginger also works favorably in treating common cold, cut small pieces of ginger and put it in water, boil this mixture, strain the liquid and add half a tsp of honey to it, drink this hot.  Read more ...

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Drinking Water in Copper Vessel

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