
  • An effective way to get relief from the pain of arthritis is to massage the affected area with warm olive oil. olive oil
  • Steam baths and body massage have also proved worthwhile for people suffering from arthritis.
  • The person suffering from arthritis should consume food items rich in calcium, zinc and vitamin C.
  • An efficient home remedy for arthritis would be to have fresh potato juice in the morning.
  • The juice should comprise of 50 percent potato juice and 50 percent water.
  • The simplest home remedy for arthritis would be to rub the affected area with warm vinegar, just before sleeping.
  • Mix 10 grams of camphor with 200 grams of mustard oil. Keep this mixture in a tightly corked bottle and expose it to sunlight, daily, until the camphor melts. Regularly massage the affected area with this mixture. 
  • Grind four peeled pieces of garlic, along with two grams of Sprague. Dip this mixture in 30 gramsgarlicmustard oil and heat, on low flame, for 1-2 minutes. Massage the aching joints with this oil, after cooling it down, to get relief from pain and swelling.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis can be cured by consuming a few grams of fresh or powdered ginger per day, along with water.
  • Mix olive oil with diluted garlic, juniper, lavender, sage, rosemary, thyme, or sassafras oil. The mix should be in the ratio of 1:10, where 10 represent the parts of olive oil. Massage this mixture over the affected area.
  • Add 4 tbsp of Epsom salt to your bath, filled with warm water. Bathing with this water will help reduce inflammation and stiffness of joints.
  • Massaging with castor oil also reduces the pains, thereby providing relief from arthritis.
  • People facing arthritis problem should relax in a tub of warm water, to which a cupful of sea salt has been added.
  • Eggplant is also helpful in curing arthritis. Bake one or two eggplant, mash them and fry the resultant pulp in castor oil. Add spices, such as cumin, coriander,
  • Turmeric, garlic and salt and cook for a few seconds. Have this, once a day, for about two to three months.

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