
Aloe vera dandruff cure
  • Before you wash your hair, rub your hair with aloe vera gel, rub a lot with your finger into your scalp, leave it on for ½ an hour, and shampoo your hair like aloegelyou regularly do. if you do this everyday or twice a week, dandruff will stay away.
  • Soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds  in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste.  Apply all over scalp and leave for 1½ an hour, wash with mild shampoo.


  • Olive oil and almond oil
    Mix the olive oil with the almond oil, warm it than massage your hair and leave it for 15 min. Rinse hair with a mild shampoo to clear dandruff.
  • Using lemon juice with oil in hair.
    Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, give steam to your hair with warm wet towel and leave it for about 2 hours. Shampoo after, Repeat 2 -3 times a week.
  • Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 tea cups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair.

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